코딩 연습장/JSP

Python/JSP/R 이용한 맛집 프로젝트 - 8 (JSP 마이 페이지)

Do아 2021. 6. 19. 21:43






JSP 회원가입 알고리즘 참조



Python/JSP/R 이용한 맛집 프로젝트 - 7 (JSP 회원가입)

2021/04/14(수) JSP 아이디찾기, 비밀번호찾기 알고리즘 참고 https://cordingdoah.tistory.com/102 Python/JSP/R 이용한 맛집 프로젝트 - 6 (JSP 아이디, 비밀번호 찾기) 2021/04/14(수) JSP 로그인 알고리즘 참..







- 메인에서 mypage클릭 시 이동됌

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=EUC-KR"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-KR">
<title>Insert title here</title>

<%@ include file="python_conn.jsp" %>

	String mem_id = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_id");
	String mem_pass = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_pass");
	if(mem_id =="undefined" || mem_id ==null || mem_id ==""){
		out.println("<script>alert('Please log in'); history.back();</script>");


	ResultSet rs = null;
	Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
	String sql ="SELECT * FROM member WHERE mem_id = '" + mem_id +"' ";
	rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
	String mem_id2="";
	String mem_name2="";
	String mem_location2="";
	String mem_hint2="";
	String mem_aws2="";
	String mem_pw="";
		mem_id2 = rs.getString("mem_id");
		mem_name2 = rs.getString("mem_name");
		mem_location2 = rs.getString("mem_location");
		mem_hint2 = rs.getString("mem_hint");
		mem_aws2 = rs.getString("mem_aws");
		mem_pw = rs.getString("mem_pw");
	session.setAttribute("mem_id2", mem_id2);
	session.setAttribute("mem_name2", mem_name2);
	session.setAttribute("mem_location2", mem_location2);
	session.setAttribute("mem_hint2", mem_hint2);
	session.setAttribute("mem_aws2", mem_aws2);
	session.setAttribute("mem_pw", mem_pw);
	//RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("Mini_MainDP.jsp");


메인페이지에서 로그인을 하고 mypage 클릭시 주소창으로 id와 password값을 넘겨줌

1. 주소창에 있는 id, pw 값을 가져옴 만약 받아온 값이 없을 경우 로그인이 되지 않은 것이기 때문에 팝업창 출력

2. 로그인되어 있는 상태라면 id값을 이용해서 db에서 조회

3. 값들을 변수에 저장 하고 세션으로 값을 넘겨줌

4. 마이페이지 화면을 보여주는 python_mypage.jsp 이동



--> 결과화면







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	String mem_id2 = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_id2");
	String mem_name2 = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_name2");
	String mem_location2 = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_location2");
	String mem_hint2 = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_hint2");
	String mem_aws2 = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_aws2");
	String mem_pw2 = (String) session.getAttribute("mem_pw");
	if(mem_id2 =="undefined" || mem_id2 ==null || mem_id2 ==""){
		out.println("<script>alert('Please log in'); history.back();</script>");

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													<div class="col-md-12">
														<label for="fullname">ID</label>
														<input type="text" id="mem_id" name="mem_id" value="" class="form-control">
													<div class="col-md-12">
															<label for="fullname">Name</label>
															<input type="text" id="mem_name" name="mem_name" value="" class="form-control">
														<div class="col-md-12">
															<label for="fullname">Location</label>
															<input type="text" id="mem_location" name="mem_location" value="" class="form-control">
														<div class="col-md-12">
															<label for="activities">Password Hint</label>
															<select name="mem_hint" id="mem_hint" class="form-control">
																<option value="Where were you born?">Where were you born?</option>
																<option value="What is your hobby">What is your hobby</option>
																<option value="What is the name of the elementary school you attended?">What is the name of the elementary school you attended?</option>
																<option value="What is your number one treasure?">What is your number one treasure?</option>
														<div class="col-md-12">
															<label for="fullname">Answer</label>
															<input type="text" id="mem_aws" name="mem_aws" value="" class="form-control">
														<div class="col-md-12">
															<label for="fullname">Password</label>
															<input type="password" id="mem_pw1" name="mem_pw1" value="" class="form-control">
														<div class="col-md-12">
															<label for="fullname">Password Check</label>
															<input type="password" id="mem_pw2" name="mem_pw2" value="" class="form-control">
													<div class="col-md-12">
														<br><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" value="confirm">

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	<script type="text/javascript">
		document.getElementById("mem_id").value = <%= mem_id2%>
		document.getElementById("mem_name").value = <%= mem_name2%>
		document.getElementById("mem_location").value = <%= mem_location2%>	
		document.getElementById("mem_aws").value = <%= mem_aws2%>
		document.getElementById("mem_pw1").value = <%= mem_pw2%>
		document.getElementById("mem_pw2").value = <%= mem_pw2%>
		//document.getElementById('mem_id').disabled = true;


1. 받아온 값들을 java 변수에 저장하고 화면상에 띄워줌

2. 값을 변경하고 확인버튼 클릭 시 python_mypage2.jsp로 이동




--> 결과화면







<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=EUC-KR"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-KR">
<title>Insert title here</title>

<%@ include file="python_conn.jsp" %>

	String mem_id = request.getParameter("mem_id");
	String mem_name = request.getParameter("mem_name");
	String mem_location = request.getParameter("mem_location");
	String mem_hint = request.getParameter("mem_hint");
	String mem_aws = request.getParameter("mem_aws");
	String mem_pw1 = request.getParameter("mem_pw1");
	String mem_pw2 = request.getParameter("mem_pw2");

	ResultSet rs = null;
	Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
	String sql ="UPDATE member SET mem_name = '" + mem_name +"' ,"; 
	sql += "mem_location = '" + mem_location + "', mem_hint= '" + mem_hint + "', ";
	sql += "mem_aws = '" + mem_aws + "', mem_pw= '" + mem_pw1 +"' ";
	sql += "WHERE mem_id= '" + mem_id +"'";
	//rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
		out.println("<script>alert('이름을 입력해주세요.'); history.back();</script>");
	else if(mem_location.trim().equals(""))
		out.println("<script>alert('사는 지역을 입력해주세요'); history.back();</script>");
	else if(mem_aws.trim().equals(""))
		out.println("<script>alert('비밀번호 답을 입력해주세요(비밀번호 찾을 시 필요)'); history.back();</script>");
	else if(mem_pw1.trim().equals(""))
		out.println("<script>alert('비밀번호를 입력해주세요.'); history.back();</script>");
	else if(mem_pw2.trim().equals(""))
		out.println("<script>alert('비밀번호 확인를 입력해주세요.'); history.back();</script>");
	else if(mem_pw1.equals(mem_pw2)){	
		out.println("<script>alert('비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.'); history.back();</script>");


1. 내 정보를 수정할 시 이름, 지역, 비민번호 답, 비밀번호, 비밀번호 확인 모두 빈칸이 아니고 비밀번호가 일치하면 변경완료 출력




--> 결과화면

변경완료 후 mypage
